Comparative Woman’s 2019 issue is looking for academic essays, poetry, art, interviews, and book reviews on our theme of “Kin.”
Theme: What is “kinship”? Is it merely biological or is it something that we choose? What are the bonds that we form? How do we form them? Why do we need these bonds? Why do these bonds matter? From Moms to Drag Mothers, covens to close-knit communities and cults, and siblings to fraternities: how do we recognize and establish “kin”?
MIssion Statement: Comparative Woman in an online journal with the aim to create an environment that explores topics related to comparative literature and women/gender studies through art and academic engagement from a multitude of perspectives. We seek to give artists a platform for reflecting on their thoughts and experiences according to each issue’s theme to present our readers with unique, diverse, and thought-provoking art while also exposing our readers to scholarly work on art and other forms created by women and the LGBTQ+ community or about women and the LGBTQ+ community in mediums both in and outside of the Western Literary Canon.
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